Sunday, February 8, 2009

Simple Database Application With JSP

This short tutorial will explain about creating a simple database application with JSP involving INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and also the SELECT process.

Preparing The Requirements

First, you need Apache Tomcat installed properly on you computer. I have written a tutorial about installing Apache Tomcat before this tutorial. You might want to read it first. Anyway, you also need to install MySQL as database server and the MySQL Connector for Java (available in .jar format) as the supporting library. You can search the MySQL Connector for Java with Google or find it at

Copy your MySQL Connector JAR file to the lib folder under your Apache Tomcat installation directory. Then, restart your Apache Tomcat. Now, your Apache Tomcat is able to use that library.

Preparing Working Directory

Before you start to write your code, you might want to create a special folder to store all your projects. If you want it, you can create a folder under the webapps folder. In this example, I create a folder named work under the webapps folder to store my JSP files.

Creating The Database

Create a simple database with the following SQL command.

USE db1;

  id char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  name varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  price int(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Creating The Database Class

For interacting with the database, I will make a special class. But first, you have to create some folders under your working directory with this structure.


And, this is the code for this class. Store it inside the database folder with name

package database;

import java.sql.*;

public class dbfunction{
 private Connection con;
 private Statement stat;
 private ResultSet result;
 public void createConnection(){
  catch(Exception ex){ }

 public void createConnection(String driver, String url){
  catch(Exception ex){ }

 public void createConnection(String driver, String dataSource, String userName, String password){
  catch(Exception ex){ }

 public void closeConnection(){
  catch(Exception ex){ }

 public boolean updateRecord(String strSQL){
   int status=stat.executeUpdate(strSQL);
    return true;
    return false;
  catch(Exception ex){
   return false;

 public ResultSet queryRecord(String strSQL){
   return result;
  catch(Exception ex){
   return null;

Compile it.


The Application

Now, this is the time to create the main application. This application consists of three pages such as index.jsp, insert.jsp, and update.jsp. Save all those files inside your working directory.


This is the front page for displaying the records of the item table. It also has two links in each row for updating and deleting record. And, this is the code of this file.

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function confirmDelete(url){
  if(confirm("Are you sure want to delete this record?")){
<title>Viewing Table</title>
<jsp:useBean id="dbfunc" scope="page" class="database.dbfunction" />

  if(dbfunc.updateRecord("DELETE FROM item WHERE id='" + request.getParameter("delete") + "'"))
   out.println("<p><b>Deleting record success!</b></p>");
   out.println("<p><b>Deleting record failed!</b></p>");

 ResultSet rs=dbfunc.queryRecord("SELECT * FROM item");

 out.println("<table border='1'>");
 out.println("<tr><th>Item ID</th><th>Item Name</th><th>Unit Price</th><th colspan='2'>&nbsp;</th></tr>");
  out.println("<tr><td>" + rs.getString("id") + "</td><td>" + rs.getString("name") + "</td><td>" + rs.getString("price") + "</td><td><a href='update.jsp?id=" + rs.getString("id") + "'>Update</a></td><td><a href=javascript:confirmDelete('index.jsp?delete=" + rs.getString("id") + "')>Delete</a></td></tr>");
 out.println("<a href='insert.jsp'>INSERT RECORD</a>");

catch(Exception ex){
 out.println("<p><b>" + ex.toString() + "</b></p>");


This page is for inserting the record to the item table.

<head><title>Inserting Record</title></head>
<jsp:useBean id="dbfunc" scope="page" class="database.dbfunction" />

  if(dbfunc.updateRecord("INSERT INTO item VALUES ('" + request.getParameter("itemId") + "', '" + request.getParameter("itemName") + "', '" + request.getParameter("unitPrice") + "')"))
   out.println("<p><b>Inserting record success!</b></p>");
   out.println("<p><b>Inserting record failed!</b></p>");

 catch(Exception ex){
  out.println("<p><b>" + ex.toString() + "</b></p>");
<form action="insert.jsp" method="POST">
<tr><td>Item ID</td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="itemId" size="10"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Item Name</td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="itemName" size="25"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Unit Price</td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="unitPrice" size="15"></td></tr>
<input type="submit" name="insert" value="INSERT">
<a href="index.jsp">VIEW TABLE</a>


This page is for inserting the record to the item table.

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<head><title>Updating Record</title></head>
<jsp:useBean id="dbfunc" scope="page" class="database.dbfunction" />
 ResultSet rs=null;


  if(dbfunc.updateRecord("UPDATE item SET id='" + request.getParameter("itemId") + "',  name='" + request.getParameter("itemName") + "', price='" + request.getParameter("unitPrice") + "' WHERE id='" + request.getParameter("id") + "'"))
   out.println("<p><b>Updating record success!</b></p>");
   out.println("<p><b>Updating record failed!</b></p>");

  rs=dbfunc.queryRecord("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id='" + request.getParameter("id") + "'");

  <form action="update.jsp?id=<%= rs.getString("id") %>" method="POST">
  <tr><td>Item ID</td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="itemId" value="<%= rs.getString("id") %>" size="10"></td></tr>
  <tr><td>Item Name</td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="itemName" value="<%= rs.getString("name") %>" size="25"></td></tr>
  <tr><td>Unit Price</td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="unitPrice" value="<%= rs.getString("price") %>" size="15"></td></tr>
  <input type="submit" name="update" value="UPDATE">


catch(Exception ex){
 out.println("<p><b>" + ex.toString() + "</b></p>");
<a href="index.jsp">VIEW TABLE</a>


These are the screenshots when the application was being run.

  1. Inserting record.
  2. Viewing record.
  3. Deleting record.

  4. Updating record.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Installing Apache Tomcat On Linux And Windows

If you want to learn JSP (Java Server Page) or create a website with JSP programming language, you need to install a web server named Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat can be installed both in Linux and Windows operating system.


Before you install Apache Tomcat, you need to install one of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit). You can download the latest version of JRE or JDK from If you are using Windows, you need to download the one for Windows platform, and if you are using Linux, you have to choose the one for Linux platform.

Installing JRE or JDK on Windows is easy, just double click the installer and follow the instruction. Installing on Linux is also easy. Just execute this command as root. I assume you save your JDK or JRE installer in /usr/local.

# cd /usr/local # ./jdk1.6.0_01.bin

In this tutorial, I used JDK 1.5 for Windows with C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06 as its installation directory and JDK 1.6 for Linux with /usr/local/java as its installation directory.

After JRE or JDK is installed, you need to download the Apache Tomcat from The version of Apache Tomcat used in this example is 6.0. Then, choose the binary version in .tar.gz or .zip format. In this example I choose the .tar.gz format.

The good news is, the binary file that you download can be installed on Windows or Linux. So, you don't have to download twice if you want to try installing it on those both platforms. That's right because Apache Tomcat is based on Java, that's why we need the JRE.

Installation On Windows

The installation of Apache Tomcat on Windows has these following steps.

  1. Extract the Apache Tomcat binary file to C: or another location you like. After that, you will get the folder named apache-tomcat-xxx depending on your Apache Tomcat version. Then, rename it to easier name like apache-tomcat or another name if necessary.
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. This system variable is needed to tell the Apache Tomcat where the location of your JRE. So, open your Windows Control Panel, choose System then click the Advance tab. Click the Environment Variables button, then click the New button in System Variabels frame. After that, a small window will appear. Write JAVA_HOME in the Variable name TextBox. Then, write the location of your JDK or JRE installation in the Variable value TextBox as you can see in the picture below.

  3. Restart your computer to make the change take effect
  4. Now, start your Apache Tomcat by executing the startup.bat file inside the bin directory of you Apache Tomcat installation directory. When you start your Apache Tomcat, you will see this window appear.

  5. Access http://localhost:8080. If you see the Apache Tomcat welcome page that means you have successfully installed Apache Tomcat and ready to use JSP.
  6. If you want to shutdown the Apache Tomcat, execute shutdown.bat file which is located in the same folder with the startup.bat file.

Installation On Linux

These are the installation steps on Linux operating system. You also need to login as root.

  1. Extract your the Apache Tomcat binary file on /usr/local. I also assume you put your Apache Tomcat binary file on /tmp folder. Then rename the apache-tomcat-xxx folder with an easier name.
    # cd /usr/local
    # tar -xvzf /tmp/apache-tomcat-xxx.tar.gz
    # mv apache-tomcat-xxx apache-tomcat

  2. Create the file using the vi editor inside the bin folder. Press I or INSERT to enter the insert mode.
    # cd apache-tomcat/bin # vi

    This file is used to tell Apache Tomcat about the location of your JRE or JDK. The content of this file is like this.
    # Set Environment
    JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/java"; export JAVA_HOME

    Please replace the "/usr/local/java" with your JRE or JDK installation path.
  3. Save the file by pressing ESC : w q. Then make the file executable.
    # chmod 755

  4. Start your Apache Tomcat by executing the file.
    # ./

  5. Access http://localhost:8080 from your web browser. If you see this page, that means you have successfully installed Apache Tomcat.

  6. To stop Apache Tomcat, simply execute the file.
    # ./